Monday, August 27, 2012

Premium Rush Booze-n-Bike

Join us tomorrow night, Aug 28th, for the Tuesday Night Ride culminating in a 10:05 heckling screening of Premium Rush

We'll be meeting at the shop for a few drinks before heading out on a meandering ride through Victoria's mean streets. Don't forget to pack some lights, lock, and the edge of your seat!

It's gonna get rad.

Showtime: 10:05, Tillicum Silvercity

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Women's CX Clinic

Are there any ladies out there that would love to learn some pointers about Cyclocross? Are there any who would like these pointers in a no stress environment with a bunch of your girlfriends? And lastly, would you like to get pointers from a full time racer such as Mical Dyck??? You are in luck. September 10th, 2012 Mical will be hosting a intro to CX clinic for all who are interested. And almost the best part is the cost....FREE. Ya, zero, zilch, nada. Bring you cross bike, or mountain bike and have some fun learning this truly goofy sport. If you have never taken part, I warn you, you will be hooked.

Bike Check - Ryder Hesjedal

     I know that this segment is usually to showcase the bicycles of le' crew de stuckylife, but i figured for this bike we may make an exception. This bike is THE bike that won The Giro D'Italia. I won't describe this bike to death, or bore you with the 3 prototype items in use on it. You are all nerdy enough to figure them out anyway. I will just leave it as is for everyone to enjoy it.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Monday, August 20, 2012

BC Track Provincials

Our friends over at the GVVA are hosting this year's track provincials on August 24-26 at the Westshore Velodrome.

There will be some serious racing going on this weekend - I hope to see you all out there!

Check out the action from last year's BC Championships here:

Friday, August 10, 2012

Cyclocross Camp

via Cross Club:

If you are planning on stepping it up this year or just want to get your cross on now, check out the attached poster and info on the Aug 18/19 Cross Camp being put on by crosser extraordinaire Craig Richey:

Canadian Olympic House Coverage


Go check it out over on

Friday, August 3, 2012

Women's Team Pursuit Finals at Brickyard Pizza!

Gillian, Jasmin and Tara in today's Qualifier
Photo: Canadian Cycling Magazine

Join us tomorrow morning at Brickyard Pizza from 8am-10am to catch the excitement of the Women's Team  Pursuit finals live from London!

Brickyard Pizza
784 Yates Street
Saturday, August 4 
8am - 10am

Huge thanks to the Hotel Rialto this morning for letting us crash their coffee bar and yell and scream at the TV!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Team Pursuit 101

Live Race Coverage - Update

For those of you who are unable to make it to Broad Street Cycles tomorrow morning (8:30am-ish) - and have a television set - CTV will be covering the races live. Channel 9 in Victoria.

If all else fails try these links:

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Tutto suona meglio in italiano

Apparently, the V.I.A.C.R.A pun translates into Italian. Do you think cultural differences will affect how this is interpreted?

From Gillian

"Just got some very special Olympic mail! To everyone that was involved in this project - THANK YOU so much! I feel so lucky to have such an amazing support network and i will do my best to make you all proud."

Photos: Laura Brown - CDN Women's Team Pursuit Update

Gillian Carleton © Heinz Ruckemann
Laura Robinson from Pedal Mag caught up with the Canadian Women's Team Pursuit squad in London.

Not to play favourites or anything, but here is a random excerpt from the article:
Gillian Carleton, like Glaesser is a young, talented athlete with a few more Olympics beyond London in her future. She showed early talent by winning the Canada Games as a teen-ager, but decided to pursue studies at U of Victoria in biology instead after getting “burned out” while only a teen-ager. Cycling still pulled though and it was her involvement in alleycat and fixed wheel non-sanctioned racing in the streets of Victoria that brought her back to the sport.
 “Last year a group of friends and I got involved in fixing up the Victoria velodrome. It had been closed for a long time and we got it opened,” she said of the 1994 Commonwealth Games Velodrome that was supposed to become a legacy for cycling and instead fell into disrepair when local municipalities did not maintain it. “Messenger and fixed gear community started coming out in 2011 and that’s when I started riding the track.”
Read the full article here: